I have been trying to decided on how I would attempt to bring back this blog. A lot has changed since I originally started this page, the biggest all is that I am a married and the father to an adorable little girl now. I guess another big issues is my complete lack of running. How can you have a blog titled “eatrunsleep” when all you have been doing is eating(also, with a 4 and a half month old there isn’t a whole lot of sleeping either).
Ok, so let’s go back to the beginning……
When I started this blog back in 2009, I was coming out of a very somber time in my life. Without going into to much detail, my answer to the sorrow was running a lot of miles. During that January – March I ramped up my mileage considerably. I went from running about 35-40 a week to 50-70 a week. I ran a ton of races, everything from 5k’s to multiple marathons a year. I traveled around the country seeing different places and running in new cities.
Thus, today is an issue……I am going across the street to run 2 miles on the treadmill….I hate the treadmill….. My only solace is that I can do those 2 miles faster than most people, but even then it’s considerably slower than where I once was.
So there in lies the answer to my blog reboot….This site shall become the details to my comeback. It shall be my mileage keeper, and my diet analyzer. It will tell me of my successes and my failures in this comeback attempt. I have some definite goals in mind, but shall save them and share them in later blog entries.
So, here we go…..damn that treadmill….I hate it so much…..