Welcome back to eat run sleep! When I created this page back in 2010 I was in the best shape of my life, I was crushing miles, I was a running coach at and gym and helped others put together training plans, and I had just turned 32. Well……more recently, I must admit, I have been doing to much eating, not enough sleeping(kids…it happens) and definitely not enough running. I have attempted, over the last few years, to kick start my running with very little success, somehow I always crashed and burned. It was with this in mind that I decided to take a different route this time around. After the birth of my second daughter in August of 2018, and a few months of failed start up, I turned to a friend…another local running coach. I needed a new perspective, fresh ideas, and mostly, someone to hold me accountable.
Since November of 2018 I have been going strong! in three months I have missed just 2 runs and tomorrow, for the first time in years…..TIMED MILES….they aren’t as fast as they used to be, but they are so very important.
We shall see where 2019 takes me! trying to stay healthy, and injury free and continue to build on what I have done so far with this 40 something version of me.
-Eat Run Sleep