Welcome back to eat run sleep! When I created this page back in 2010 I was in the best shape of my life, I was crushing miles, I was a running coach at and gym and helped others put together training plans, and I had just turned 32. Well……more recently, I must admit, I have been doing to much eating, not enough sleeping(kids…it happens) and definitely not enough running. I have attempted, over the last few years, to kick start my running with very little success, somehow I always crashed and burned. It was with this in mind that I decided to take a different route this time around. After the birth of my second daughter in August of 2018, and a few months of failed start up, I turned to a friend…another local running coach. I needed a new perspective, fresh ideas, and mostly, someone to hold me accountable.
Since November of 2018 I have been going strong! in three months I have missed just 2 runs and tomorrow, for the first time in years…..TIMED MILES….they aren’t as fast as they used to be, but they are so very important.
We shall see where 2019 takes me! trying to stay healthy, and injury free and continue to build on what I have done so far with this 40 something version of me.
-Eat Run Sleep
Category: Uncategorized
Week 3 : winter miles
This week is another increase in mileage….up to 3 miles a day..killing it! It doesn’t seem that long ago that I was running 80-100 miles a week, but this is now and today is today…so 3 miles it is!
I’ve actually signed up for 3 5k’s, 1 10k, and entered the NYC Marathon Lottery(mostly cause I have for the 3 previous and haven’t gotten in). This should given me sufficient motivation to train, and also provide me with benchmarks for gains.
Couple of things that I know I need to get better at: Stretching/rolling out, and icing. Body has some aches and pains, and for continued success I need to do everything preventive that I can. NO EXCUSES.
3 snowy miles tonight…..wish me luck.
1/8/18- one week is done
Of course I chose to start my base building training schedule in what has been the coldest stretch of weather I’ve ever dealt with in VA….. That being said, it was a huge success. I didn’t miss a day of running, I cut down on snacking, and have been really really trying to control my portions at meals. This week is really important and I need to find time to get my runs in. Today I need to run 2 miles, take my brothers dog for a walk(we are dog sitting), and continue the process of removing the tiles from our shower floor(I think i’ll have about 20 minutes of working time before my daughter goes to sleep). Ok…..so here goes week 2!
January 1st….. 1.1 mile done……I am literally starting from the beginning. 2017 was filled with injuries and excuses. 2018 I am backing it back down, starting over with the mileage and building myself back up from scratch. My main goal right now is to get my 5k back under 20 before my 40th birthday in August, but I will monitor my progress and body condition as I go along.
I am attaching my 1st quarter running schedule….a 4 on, one off, three on, and one off schedule. I’ve used this successfully in the past, and I think it will work well with the lower mileage at the beginning. Next year, at this time, hopefully I will be down in Charleston, SC running the half.
Newport Marathon
Newport Marathon is only 3 months away and this one is not going to be pretty. I have a long way to go to regain my former quasi glory…..but that is not for this race. My goal for this marathon is to run the entire race at a smart pace and not walk.
The training goal is a slow build. I have some dad weight to lose since I ran my last race before becoming a parent.
The key is finding the energy and time to run, and do the occasional gym workout.
This blog is now my daily progress for my eating(Way way way to much bad food) exercise and rest.
Well….so far this has not been going well. Got sick, baby got sick, school got in the way, work got in the way, I got in the way. I read a runners world article today about getting excited about running again when you’ve lost that edge. The problem with that article is, I know all of the techniques already, I’ve used them, I’ve motivated others with them, but I seem to be a different beast. I’ve got a 10k in a little over a month, it’s a great race where I get to run with wheel chair athletes. I need to get in shape. End of story.
Starting line
A New Beginning
I have been trying to decided on how I would attempt to bring back this blog. A lot has changed since I originally started this page, the biggest all is that I am a married and the father to an adorable little girl now. I guess another big issues is my complete lack of running. How can you have a blog titled “eatrunsleep” when all you have been doing is eating(also, with a 4 and a half month old there isn’t a whole lot of sleeping either).
Ok, so let’s go back to the beginning……
When I started this blog back in 2009, I was coming out of a very somber time in my life. Without going into to much detail, my answer to the sorrow was running a lot of miles. During that January – March I ramped up my mileage considerably. I went from running about 35-40 a week to 50-70 a week. I ran a ton of races, everything from 5k’s to multiple marathons a year. I traveled around the country seeing different places and running in new cities.
Thus, today is an issue……I am going across the street to run 2 miles on the treadmill….I hate the treadmill….. My only solace is that I can do those 2 miles faster than most people, but even then it’s considerably slower than where I once was.
So there in lies the answer to my blog reboot….This site shall become the details to my comeback. It shall be my mileage keeper, and my diet analyzer. It will tell me of my successes and my failures in this comeback attempt. I have some definite goals in mind, but shall save them and share them in later blog entries.
So, here we go…..damn that treadmill….I hate it so much…..